• Ministries

    Sunday School.

    Sunday School

    Grace Sunday School meets every Sunday during Worship, 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM, and runs from September until June. The first Sunday of every month is MOVIE day with treats! (This could be a good time to run some errands and not have drag an unwilling one along).

    In Sunday School we learn songs, hymns, games and do many crafts. We learn stories about Jesus (of course), but we also learn about forgiveness, trust, bullies, greed, love, sharing and temptation. It is a safe place to talk about your fears and feelings, where no one will laugh at you. Why not bring or drop off your child for just an hour. We start up the first Sunday after the Labour Day weekend.

    Superintendent: Lisbeth Jolley 902 466-4620


    Visitations, including the administration of Holy Communion, are available for shut-ins on an as needed basis. Please come and see us, or visit our contact page, to let us know your needs. We will then be in touch to make arrangements for a pastoral visit.


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