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    A person is known by the friends he keeps. The same can be said of a church. We consider the following our friends.

    Lutheran Connections

    The Lutheran World Federation.

    The Lutheran World Federation is a global communion of 145 churches in the Lutheran tradition, representing over 72 million Christians in 98 countries. Its members strive to put their faith into action within and beyond the communion, and seek the guidance of God’s Word and Spirit.

    The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC).

    The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) is the major Canadian representative of the traditions of the Lutheran reformation of the catholic Christian church.

    The Eastern Synod.

    The Eastern Synod is one of five synods of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, consisting of almost 200 member congregations and 78,000 baptized members. Eastern Synod is made up of seventeen Ministry Areas. The territory of the Eastern Synod runs from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario to Halifax, Nova Scotia. Lutherans are found throughout the world. The ELCIC is a member church of the Lutheran World Federation.

    Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) is one of Canada's most experienced relief and development agencies. Formed in 1946 as a response to the humanitarian crisis in post-war Europe, CLWR has grown to serve the world's poor and disenfranchised through community development, refugee resettlement in Canada, emergency relief, and humanitarian aid shipments (We Care program).

