• Welcome

    Joyfully celebrating the transforming love of God.

    The Eastern Synod.

    Grace Lutheran Church
    Cole Harbour, NS

    meets Sunday Mornings at 10:30 AM
    at 40 Caldwell Rd,
    Cole Harbour, (East Dartmouth) NS.

    Welcome to Grace Lutheran Church, Cole Harbour!

    We trust you’ll find this site informative. We seek to communicate our vision and values through this website. Most importantly, we seek to share the love of God through Jesus Christ as faithful believers in East Dartmouth.

    Grace seeks to offer a distinctive witness to the larger community which affirms the three classic streams of the Church – evangelical, sacramental, and charismatic. For more, go HERE.

    Martin Luther.

    Lutheran Church founder Martin Luther affirmed a rigorous Biblical witness in the face of significant opposition. As a Catholic Priest and Bible Scholar, Luther published 95 points where he perceived the Church had drifted compared to the witness of Holy Scripture. This was nailed to the Wittenburg Cathedral Door on October 31st 1517 - 500 years ago next year!!

    This sparked the Protestant Reformation. Lutherans stand in the strong tradition of solid Bible teaching and holiness of life!

    In the mid-1990’s the Roman Catholic Church and the Lutheran Church agreed on the core elements of the Christian Faith while acknowledging that there are still differences/disagreements regarding aspects of the Faith. Thus the two bodies sought to live into the 16th C quote –

    In essentials UNITY, in non-essentials DIVERSITY, in all things CHARITY (LOVE).

    We invite people from all backgrounds to encounter the living Christ and to grow in the “grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 3:18)

    You will find information on this website how to begin a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, plus centuries-old ways to deepen in our walk with God!



Grace Cole Harbour.

Table of Contents

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